Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Vegas, Here we Come!

Did I tell anyone how excited I am to go to Vegas? (I think Mal's previous blog about being excited fits about now) I am looking so foward to spending a few days with some of my daughters and one of my daughter in laws. I sure wish the other two could go too! I am counting down the days. Make sure you bring your happy pants, ( I think that is what Mal calls them) :) sunscreen, games to play, and throw in a little cash.
We'll see you soon!


Brian and Mal said...

Yahoo! I'm excited too! Yes, I call them happy pants, but you could also bring happy capri's, happy shorts etc....

Bill & Jen said...

I'm bringin my crabby pants!!! HEHE. Just joshin, we don't want those there do we???

Janiece said...

Um Chris, hello, you only have one daughter-in-law! Have a good time.

Janiece said...

OK, I'm a little slow. Wasn't thinking of Dan's wife. I'm jeolous. Can I be one of your daughter's?

ridgerider said...

Don't be riding any waves!