Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving in Idaho

First off I want to say thanks to Mom for letting us come up for Thanksgiving! Its always fun to go back home. We had a great Thanksgiving dinner with all the expected dishes.
I have to give two thumbs up to Janiece and her two girls for making the cutest place settings I've seen! Home made cornucopias! She took sugar cones and steamed them so they would get soft and then they formed then into the shape of cornucopias and then put candy corn and also the little pumpkins that are also made out of the same kind of candy. Take a look at these! Arent they cute?

We played Rummy, Blackjack, Texas Hold 'em (I took Brad to the cleaners on this game!, and Apples to Apples. We laughed so hard that I think my little sister and I may have wet our pants. I blame mine on my age and she blames hers on being 8 1/2 months pregnant. We all stayed up and talked till wee hours of the morning. We had a race getting our PJ's on with Grandma Wilm and had more fun than you can imagine.
Here are some pics of times during the holiday weekend.

Thanks to Mom, Brent, Janiece, Dan, Laura, Jeff, Bailey, McKell, Quade. Thanksgiving dinner was awesome. Thanks to Brad, Kim, Hayden, Kylee, Natalie, Cari, KC, Bridger for joining us later in the day to have fun.

My nieces and nephews are great, I got lots of hugs, and back rubs and even pictures drawn for me. I hate to break it to you Cari and Chuck, I still think I am the favorite AUNT!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun! There is nothing better than spending time with family, eating and playing games.

Love the post :)